What is 5G? – what it Mean for the Internet of Things

IoT technology and 5G together are way more than just a new generation of wireless technology.

It symbolizes a fundamental shift in the mobile ecosystem, releasing a potent mix of incredible speed, higher bandwidth, low latency, and increased power efficiency that will fuel billions of more connections over the next five years and transform our world.


What Does 5G Mean for the Internet of Things?

It’s ground-breaking!

The advancement of everything from self-driving cars to smart grids for renewable energy to AI-enabled robots on manufacturing floors will be made possible by 5G’s quicker, more reliable, and more secure connectivity!

It is enabling a massive IoT ecosystem in which networks can function billions of connected devices while balancing speed, latency, and cost.


5G Use Cases in IoT

Here, we highlight two most promising 5G use cases in IoT settings that have the greatest market potential.

1. Vehicle Telematics

The automotive and transportation (A&T) industries are expected to be the first to adopt 5G technologies in IoT applications.

Millions of connected cars already use telematics applications like vehicle diagnostics, location tracking, and user-based insurance, making A&T one of the most “IoT” mature segments. These applications are primarily used today over traditional cellular (2G/3G/4G) technologies, which in general offer satisfactory performance to handle their current communication needs. These apps mostly encompass the transmission of small volumes of non-real-time data obtained from the vehicles.

However, the introduction of 5G offers the opportunity to gather more precise data in real-time about the performance and health of the vehicle as well as the behavior of the drivers, enabling the delivery of more advanced services (such as those from automotive OEMs and car dealerships) and new pricing models (e.g., insurance companies).

IoT Analytics anticipates that many vehicle telematics implementations will support both 4G and 5G connectivity over the course of the next few years in order to future-proof their solution and utilize 5G’s enhanced capabilities where available while operators continue to make success with network roll-outs.

2. Video Surveillance

Another application that would benefit from 5G connectivity is video surveillance and analytics. Many governments and municipalities throughout the world are spending money on public security and surveillance systems as a result of the rising risks to public safety in recent years, and this trend is predicted to continue.

The bulk of public video surveillance systems still use wired connectivity today, although the use of wireless communications, such Wi-Fi or cellular, is growing in popularity since they are simpler to set up, faster, and generally less expensive than wired networks. Wi-Fi is the preferred method for stationary CCTV systems, but cellular connectivity, particularly LTE, is more common for temporary static installations (such as on construction sites or at public events like concerts, festivals, and election rallies) and for mobile video surveillance (e.g., cameras placed on vehicles such as police cars, public transports, and surveillance UMV(drones) or body-worn by officers).

While LTE networks provide adequate performance for remote connection to live and recorded HD video, the implementation of 5G will deliver the performance boost necessary for the deployment of a significant number of cameras and more advanced real-time video content analytics.

Are you interested in any kind of IoT development? Contact us at E-alphabits or sales@ealphabits.com to discuss more ideas about your project and we will give wings to it!

What is MicroServices? Let’s check it out!

Today, in most cases, monolithic architecture has been replaced by microservices architecture. Netflix, Twitter, and Amazon are just a few examples! Yes! What is so special about it that everyone is shifting their gears towards it? Let’s check it out!

What is MicroServices?

Microservices, sometimes referred to as microservices architecture, is an SDLC method in which large applications are created as a grouping of small functional modules. One of the architectural concepts that software developers use the most is this one.

This architecture speeds up development in addition to making maintenance simple. The modern software development techniques like DevOps and Agile greatly benefit from the use of it. It also aids in the timely, frequent, and reliable delivery of large, complicated applications.

Applications are framed as groupings of the following services:

  • Testable and maintainable
  • Loose coupling
  • The ability to deploy independently
  • Based on or arranged according to business capabilities
  • Management by a limited team

Main Features :

The following are a few of the key features :

Decoupling: Services are largely separated within a system. Therefore, the entire application may be built, modified, and scaled quickly.

Componentization: They are considered as separated parts that are easy to swap out or upgrade.

Business capabilities: It is a simple and only concentrate on a single function.

Team autonomy: Each developer completes their task independently from the others, accelerating the project’s completion.

Responsibility: Microservices are not developed with applications as their primary projects. Instead, they view apps as products for which they are accountable.

Agility: Microservices help in agile development. It is possible to swiftly develop new features and then remove them at any time.

Microservices Primary Components:

  • IaC [Infrastructure as Code Conception]
  • Containers, Clustering, and Orchestration
  • Cloud Infrastructure
  • The Enterprise Service Bus
  • API Gateway
  • Service Delivery

The Following Segments Comprise the Operation of Microservice Architecture:

Clients: Requests are sent by numerous people using different devices.

Identification Provider: Approves the identity of a user or client and provides security tokens.

API Gateway: Deals with client requests.

Static Content: All of the system’s content is contained within it.

Management: Failures are recognized and services are balanced between nodes.

Service Discovery: Discovers the channels of communication between microservices.

Content Delivery Network: Distributed network of proxy servers and their data centers comprise the content delivery network.

Remote Service: Access to data or information stored on networked computers and devices is made possible with remote services.

Benefits of MicroServices:

  • Autonomous and self-sufficient deployment module.
  • Services with independent management.
  • The demand service can be set up on numerous servers to boost performance.
  • It has fewer dependencies and is simpler to test.
  • A higher level of agility and scalability.
  • Simplicity in maintenance and bug fixing.
  • Improved communication between business users and developers.
  • Smaller-sized development teams.

In a Nutshell

A large-scale application can be created using the microservices architecture, which is a collection of small, autonomous services created for a particular business area. Microservices have gained popularity since its introduction in 2011, especially among businesses creating apps.

If you want assistance in developing MicroServices-based apps, E-Alphabits has a variety of platters to serve your needs.

Contact us at E-alphabits or sales@ealphabits.com to power your ideas!

What is AOSP? A quick guide to learn about AOSP Development

What is AOSP? A quick guide to learn about AOSP Development

Google created the Android Open Source Project, a totally free and open operating system. If you are searching for AOSP development, then your search ends here!

AOSP stands for Android Open Source Project. This is the simplest answer to the question, “What is AOSP?”. But, you don’t seem to have gained anything about AOSP yet so let’s dig deeper into the AOSP world.

What is AOSP?

The operating system known as AOSP is what Android hardware manufacturers use to develop the OS for their products. The Google Mobile Services (GMS), a collection of apps found in the majority of Android devices, are frequently used with AOSP.

To create the Android OS for their hardware, AOSP offers the official foundation code and guidelines to the developers. However, they are free to make their own modifications, such as altering the user interface.

What are the Layers in AOSP development?

Operating systems are challenging to develop and maintain, as you can imagine. The same is true with Android. AOSP includes a number of operating system software layers, providing access points and resources for both hardware and software developers.

Let’s have a look on some of the main layers:

Linux Kernel: It is the primary programme that manages CPU resources, system memory, networking, and other operating system components so that applications and services may run.

HAL/HIDL: HAL is an acronym for Hardware Abstraction Layer. Bluetooth, sound, and other widely used app APIs are linked to the device’s microphone, speakers, and other functions through the HAL layer.

Native Libraries: Low-level libraries such as OpenGL ES, Webkit, and others can be used to build content with the help of native libraries.

Android Framework: Android Frameworks offer hook-ins for popular operating system functions that we all utilise on a daily basis to app developers.

Android Runtime: The Android Runtime serves as a translator, translating app code into instructions specific to the native hardware.

Use Cases of AOSP

The Android operating system was created by Google and is a mobile operating system that is mostly used for touchscreen devices, mobile phones, and tablets.

Because of the way it is made, users may operate their mobile devices naturally using finger movements that mimic regular actions like pinching, swiping, and tapping. In addition, Google uses Android software in automobiles, watches, and televisions, and each has its own user interface.

Apart from phones and tablets, AOSP can be used in POS systems, infotainment solutions and kiosk applications.

The Project’s Importance

A number of uses exist for open-source operating systems. And whereas commercial software and services come and go, open source software endures because it is maintained by a vibrant community.

For individuals who depend on open-source software, Android is the finest operating system alternative. The OS has enormous potential and will keep growing in the future thanks to its big development community.

Although it is currently most recognised for its use on commercial devices, it will increasingly be employed as an operating system for industrial applications in the future. Usability is the main factor, which we are aware of from the consumer perspective.

Long Story Short

At its heart, Android is a platform that anybody can use to run programmes and includes the tools and components required to connect to standard hardware.

E-Alphabits is the place to go if you need a strong solution for your industrial use cases. With more than 13 years of experience, we believe in adding value to create extremely useful products. We secure the success of your product by bringing Android to your hardware.

Contact us at E-alphabits or sales@ealphabits.com for bringing your ideas of AOSP development to life.

WebRTC – How to use WebRTC to make a video chat application?

How to use WebRTC to make a video chat application?

Develop a video chat app to sustain the digital outbreak and connect with people far from you around the world.


Due to the pandemic, there are many more professionals working from home than before, and businesses are increasingly embracing online conferencing as their main channel for connecting with clients and staff.

Due to the social distancing measures enacted over much of the world and the general state of lockdown, these video conferencing systems are currently utilised by almost everyone for events and corporate meetings.

Building real-time video chat applications is now simpler than ever thanks to WebRTC and the growing ability of browsers to support peer-to-peer connections in real time. We’ll look at SimpleWebRTC in this blog and see how we can leverage the platform to build WebRTC technologies.

What is WebRTC?

Web Real-Time Communication is known as WebRTC. It allows peer-to-peer communication without the use of a server and allows the transfer of data, audio, and video between the connected peers. With WebRTC, the server’s function is restricted to simply facilitating the establishment of a direct connection between the two peers.

No third-party software or plugins are required for this technology. It is open-sourced, and www.webrtc.org offers access to its source code without charge.


How Signalling Works for WebRTC?

Signalling in video chat apps is considered as one of the most crucial stages, in which before communication the two peers must assure the information about one other to connect.

This information may include:

  • The update about the availability of any other peer for connection
  • Information such as peer’s IP address and port
  • Control messages – being used to start and end up established communication
  • Error messages
  • Important data that is required for secure connections

All the above mentioned information’s are called metadata that are the must have for any direct connection to be placed. For signaling, server availability is a must-have requirement.

The process of signaling is used to begin initial communication between the two browsers. This process is done so that they can find other present peers and send the information that is required to create a direct connection among them. This signaling process continues until the direct connection is established.


How Does the WebRTC App Function?

Based on codecs, WebRTC functions. These methods are employed in the compression and decompression of data, audio, and video. You can communicate audio and video content with low latency using a variety of codecs using WebRTC. SRTP, the safe and encrypted variant of RTP, is used by WebRTC to process and send media via the network using well-known VoIP mechanisms.

How Can You Use WebRTC To Clone A Video Chat Web App?

The steps listed below must be followed in order to generate a replica of the WebRTC video chat application:

  • Create the client application.
  • Create a basic chat application with AWS Websockets
  • Now, run an Ubuntu AWS EC2 instance as the Stun/Turn Server.
  • Utilize the server less framework
  • You’re ready to launch your web application for video chat!


How E-Alphabits Helps You Develop a Video Chat App Using WebRTC?

Contact E-Alphabits if you want to construct a WebRTC-based clone of the video chat web app. With more than 13 years of expertise, we think that by adding value, we can produce things that are incredibly useful. By integrating WebRTC into your video chat application, we ensure the success of your product.

Get in touch with us at E-alphabits or sales@ealphabits.com to discuss developing your own video chat application.